FontScope: Metadata-Driven Font File Renaming


FontScope is an easy-to-use tool that automatically renames large batches of your font files using the information already stored inside them by the font creators.

FontScope enables you to create consistent, meaningful filenames that accurately reflect each font’s characteristics. For example, you can transform a file from font1.ttf into Helvetica-Light-Italic.ttf using a pattern like /fln/x, where each parameter is automatically populated with metadata from the font file.

True Weight Detection
FontScope reads numerical weight class values from a font’s metadata, typically 100 to 900, to indicate the font’s thickness. However, some older fonts may leave this field at the default value of 400 (Regular), regardless of weight. The accuracy of weight detection depends on the metadata provided by the font manufacturer. When the manufacturer accurately sets the weight class, FontScope uses the /wn (weight name) parameter to convert these numbers into user-friendly names for your filenames:

  • Hairline (< 100)
  • Thin (100-199)
  • ExtraLight (200-299)
  • Light (300-399)
  • Regular (400-449)
  • Medium (500-599)
  • SemiBold (600-699)
  • Bold (700-799)
  • ExtraBold (800-849)
  • Heavy (850-899)
  • Black (900-949)
  • ExtraBlack (950+)

Beyond Just Renaming
The interactive preview lets you verify fonts visually, while the metadata view exposes font properties, including embedded usage permissions.

For fonts with restrictive embedding bits, FontScope can modify the OS/2 table’s fsType field—always ensure compliance with your font licenses before making such changes.

Get Started!

  1. Drag and drop your font files into the designated area.
  2. In the Font Renaming Pattern section, specify which metadata item to use for naming (e.g., /fln for the “full name” embedded in the font metadata).
  3. Done renaming? Click on “Download renamed fonts” to receive all your font files in a neatly zipped folder.
  4. Enjoy 🙂
Drop OpenType/TrueType fonts here (max 500),
or click to select
Renaming templates
/fln Full Name
/pn PostScript Name
/fn Family Name
/sn Slope Name
/sg Style Group
/wn Weight Name
/w Weight (numeric class)
/x Extension (.ttf or .otf)
/o Original Filename (without extension)
Font Renaming Pattern
View Mode
Font Preview
Filename File Size Full Name Weight Slope Ext Renamed Restricted
0 files
.zip Saving Options
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